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Risking Wonderful


Author: Cal Móre

The art of living inside-out.

Meanderings of story and spirit to inspire and dare you:

be You.


If you’re feeling like the life you are living isn’t fully “you”. If you feel that something is holding you back or you just don’t “fit in”. If the path you find yourself on doesn’t feel like it is heading in the the right direction – but you’ve kept traveling down it anyway – then I recommend you read Cal’s book, and risk wonderful!   Jane Ewins


Risking Wonderful is a beautiful collaboration: words, illustrations, design… created to encourage, inspire, and dare you – to be you!

A Spiritual Memoir: Cal Móre’s inspiring stories, reflections and poems, take readers on a colourful global-voyage, while simultaneously unravelling a deeper inside-journey… exploring the power of story and spirit to reflect our authentic self ‘back’ to us: our true colours!

Risking Wonderful encourages us to find our own authentic self, spirit, place, voice, home – in community with All-that-is.

It celebrates a spirituality of compassion and connection: embracing life and wisdom within a rainbow of difference.

Risking Wonderful is especially timely. COVID-19 lockdown experiences can offer insights into the ways we unconsciously live in our own inner-lock-down: hidden and hiding from the world and oneself. As an alternative, Risking Wonderful offers the liberating art of living inside-out. It dares us to risk wonderful!

Cal’s words are complemented beautifully by Alex Hotchin’s evocative illustrations, and langdonlorraine’s creative & colourful book design.

are there words for this?

only part of the story written in wind and sky about finding wings,

learning to fly 

About Cal Móre:

Cal is an author-poet, who is passionate about LIFE in all its wonderful diversity! Her writings are an attempt to translate life into language, spirit into sentences, mystery into meaning, wings into words…

Previously working in Environmental Education and Pastoral (Spiritual) Care, Cal is now enjoying the riches of a slower, simpler life – and is grateful to have time for reflection, writing, walking on the beach, gardening, and restoring her 100-year-old home.

Cal feels blessed to live on the beautiful lands of the Yuin people of Australia, and pays her respect to their elders, past, present and emerging, thanking them for their ongoing care of the environments and creatures of this place, from the Dreaming to now – some 60,000 years.

“Here, I am learning that the most important things in life are not things. I am finding my authentic self, spirit, place, voice, home – in community with All-that-is. I hope that you will too!” Cal Móre.


International Orders: If you wish to have Cal’s book delivered to an international destination – Please click here to be redirected directly to Cal More’s website where you can place the order.

Go to Cal’s website >> 


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